Sweet Springs 32 species. Favorites were - Wigeon, Black-bellied plover, and a noisy Kingfisher.
Continued my bird quest south a mile or so to the ponds at the Sea Pines Golf Course. At the larger pond were two female Common Goldeneye, an A+ sighting; the smaller pond held 5 species, Mallard, Shoveler, Bufflehead, Ruddy Duck, and Pied Billed Grebe. On the grass were several hundred coots or more. The local eagle has a taste for Coots.
Next stop, El Chorro Park, 5 miles south/east of Morro Bay. The numerous pepper trees were loaded with plump red berries. America Robin, some with very deep red/orange breasts, were indulging in a berry frenzy; counted 50 Robins in and under this one pepper tree (photo). Among the Robins were, Golden and White-crowned Sparrow, Hermit Thrush and several pair of Western Bluebird.
A few days ago birded Estero Bluffs with Harry and Norma Catchpole. Our feathered friends were abundant - Pelican, Cormorant, Turnstone, Surf Scoter, Western Grebe, Whimbrel, etc. At Villa Creek, the northern end of Estero Bluffs we experienced a lengthy sighting of a Pectoral Sandpiper, a first for the Catchpoles. It was concentrating on eating flies and was not alarmed by our presence. The best sighting of the day, and probably of the month was a male Peregrine Falcon diving on a poor little Forster's Tern; the Tern managed to elude the Peregrine (yeah for the little guy). Happy Birding!
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