Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Spring was in full bloom (photo) this Morning. Common Yellowthroat and Song Sparrow were singing their little hearts out. A pair of Red-shouldered Hawks were noisily chasing each other through the trees. Wildflowers were blooming - Humming Bird Sage, Wallflower, Phacelia, Coreopsis, Chinese Houses. Floating along in the bay was a large flock of Ruddy Duck; many of the males transitioning to their breeding colors - dark head, vivid white cheek, blue bill, a ruddy cinnamon body, and of course their "piece de resistance," perky tail feathers.

In the pickleweed, along the channels, were resting Shoveler, Cinnamon, Blue and Green Winged Teal, a solitary Canada Goose, and an assortment of Egrets and shorebirds. Above, a pair of Tree Swallows dashed about.
On the far side of the wetland two White-tailed Deer (photo) were quietly feeding. Fortunately for the deer, the boardwalk keeps people out of the wetland - has been at least three years since I had seen deer in Sweet Springs.

As I was leaving, I came upon a couple of friendly out of town birders. They had many questions. They asked me if I lived nearby. I said, "Yes." "You live in paradise," said the gentleman. I had to agree.

Saturday, March 10, 2012


Yesterday Bob, the Peregrine Falcon guy (south side of Morro Rock), Peregrine Falcon Perches - So. Side Morro Rock | Flickr - Photo Sharing! told me that brooding is in its 6th day. If all goes well hatching should occur in the first week of April. The nest is located in the area called "The Diving Board." Last year's successful nest was in the mail slot. Peregrine Falcon Aerie - "Diving Board" "Mail Slot" | Flickr - Photo Sharing! (move cursor over photos)

Bob said the other day, when the wind was fierce (40-50 mile per hour), a female Peregrine flew into the area. The parents went ballistic, an aerial battle ensued. The unwanted female finally got the message and flew off. When I head the story; I wondered if the interloper could have been the female that perches in the trees behind the "Back Bay Inn." She was in her tree when I walked by this morning.

Cool, windy weather this morning. Had a heck of a good time listening to an Oak Titmouse. I heard it for many minutes before I could find it. This little bird has a variety of calls. At first I thought the sounds might be coming from a talented Mockingbird. I played a Titmouse call for about 3 seconds and the little fellow went into overdrive. The following is a brief recording of his vocalizations. OakTitmouse - Baeolophus inornatus | Flickr - Photo Sharing! Do love the perky little passerines.