Thursday, August 26, 2010


This morning's weather was cool and foggy. Most memorable birds around the Baywood Pier were: 2 Killdeer, one Ruddy Turnstone, one Short-billed Dowitcher, and one very light colored Godwit see photo). At the Pasadena Overlook were about 50-60 Western Sandpiper and a Caspian and Elegant Tern. At the Audubon Overlook: 3 Brant Goose preening, huge flock of American Goldfinch and a Selasphorus Hummer. Last stop was the Morro Bay Marina: Bob, the sea otter that comes in on the tide, was sleeping in his bed of kelp. Thousands of Willets, Long-billed Curlew, Godwit, and sandpiper in the pickleweed. Best sighting was of 6 Black Skimmer flying across the bay. Second best sighting was a Black Phoebe chasing a Western Sandpiper.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Birding Guemes Island, Wa. (5 min. ferry ride from Anacortes). My great hope was to see a Pileated Woodpecker. Second day on Guemes saw 5 adults and one juvenile (most thrilling). In nearly every tree, of the densely wooded island, were Red-breasted Nuthatch. Brown Creeper was abundant. Many vocal wrens, Bewick's and House. Chestnut-backed and Black-capped Chickadee abundant. Nearly every day saw a Bald Eagle, adults and juveniles. Other birds of interest Wild Turkey, Willow Flycatcher, Belted Kingfisher, and Western Screech Owl, numerous Steller's Jay and Dark-eyed Junco. The morning of the day I was leaving saw a phenomenal sight. Soaring above a marshy wetland at the western end of the island was a Swallow-tailed Kite. I could not believe my eyes. Rarely has this bird been seen in the San Juan Islands - a delightful going away gift.

On the return trip to the Central Coast, drove up the Umpgua River (Oregon) to Crater Lake. This unbelievably beautiful lake is 5 miles wide, ringed by cliffs 2,000ft high. Altitude of lake surface 6,173ft. Maximum Lake Depth 1,943ft. Crater Lake is famous for its clarity and deep blue color. Red-breasted Nuthatch were numerous. Saw several Clark's Nutcracker, Hairy Woodpecker, Steller's Jay, and Northern Flicker. Now that I am home have to get back in gear and check out the winter migrants that are arriving daily.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Three species of shore birds by the Baywood Pier - one Godwit, one Greater Yellowleg, five Killdeer. To the south/east of the pier about 50 gulls, composed of Western and Ring-billed. One lonely Snowy Egret. In the distance heard several Caspian Tern. Weather breezy and cold, sun thinking about coming out - all in all, another perfect Baywood afternoon. (photo - view of Sweet Springs from near 3rd St.)