Saturday, January 15, 2011


Yesterday, gave the first of two "Easy Birding" walks in the Cloister's Park. Weather was coolish with a slight breeze, and puffy clouds. Our total bird count was 21. Most exciting was the brilliant yellow breast of a Meadowlark. A flock of these fine looking birds can be found in the grass east of the playground. Many of them were posturing, with head and neck pointing up, much like a Bittern. Co-leader Sylvia (photo) and I thought the posturing was part of their mating ritual. A lovely morning, but there was a bit of a snag. No one showed up. I do hope attendance is better for tomorrow's walk.

Well, that was yesterday. On to this morning. For some unknown reason, after a cup of delicious coffee and dressed in several layers of warm clothing, and with flashlight in hand, I headed toward Sweet Springs, to listen for the gentle hoot of a Great Horned Owl. The time was 6:00a.m. In route I had a phenomenal sighting - a meteor flashed by. It was in our atmosphere. It was not a tiny dot, but a bright object moving very fast from south to north east.

The Owl was gently hooting from somewhere in Sweet Springs. No one was about. A breeze came up. Not wanting to come across a skunk or raccoons I opted not to enter the dark and spooky looking forest. I did go a few yards in but turned around when it got winder. A wise move on my part. Suddenly there was a large crash, more than likely one of the Eucalyptus falling. Fortunately it was not the tree the Owl was perched in, as he continued to hoot.

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