I have a special fondness for Pigeon Guillemots. They arrive every spring to nest in holes in the eroding cliffs. In August they will return from whence they came. The Guillemots high pitched chatting was magic to my ears. They feed tiny fish to their nestlings.
In the cove Turkey Vultures were having a bit of a tiff over a well seasoned carcass.
The flowers were astounding! In my many years at MdO I have never seen such a dense and brilliant display of Eriophyllum staechadifolium, commonly called Lizard Tail or Seaside Woolly Daisy.Other Birds - Spotted Towhee (photo), always perched where it can be readily seen, Song Sparrow, White-crowned Sparrow, Common Yellow-throat singing, California Thrasher with an impressive repertoire, and hundreds of Brown Pelican flying north. They often can be seen flying in a line, following the contours of the coastline. Hint for the next time you are birding - Don't forget to look up.