Sunday, October 16, 2011


Rounding the gentle curve to Spooner's Cove I was struck by the beauty of the scene (photo-Spooner's Cove-Montana de Oro). The Pacific, a tranquil deep blue, air warm; with barely a breeze. House Wren, Song Sparrow, and busy Black Phoebe were my only sightings at the creek. Continued onward, parking in front of the Ranch House. Checked out the Native Plant Garden, keeping an eye out for Rattlesnakes and Wasps. A Kestrel was perched on a utility pole and a Sharp Shinned Hawk flew by.

In the fall, native brush becomes woody, making it easier to see the usually secretive Wrentit. WRENTIT (Chimaea Fasciata) | Flickr - Photo Sharing! (Photo by Maggie Smith) While in the garden I observed two Wrentit cozy up to each other, wing to wing. They preened their chest feathers a few moments, then preened each other. This behavior continued for a few minutes until a 3rd Wrentit came upon the scene. As per my usual, the camera was in the car.

Chasing after ground insects were Yellow-rumped Warbler and Western Bluebird. House Wren, Townsend's Warbler in the Cypress. The tall pines in the campground were busy with Yellow Warbler, Orange-crowned Warbler, Junco, Chickadee, Flicker, Nuttall's Woodpecker, and more Townsend's. (I'm sure I missed half the Warblers that were darting about)

I did take a photo of Mr. Townsend's Warbler. The out of focus yellow and black smear in the below photo is proof that I actually saw a Warbler. The camera was pointed straight up, hopefully sort of focused on something I thought was a Warbler.

Take a moment - Now stand up; put your head back as far as it will go; hold that position for five minutes; not losing your balance. That little exercise will give you an idea as to how it feels to look for Warblers.

1 comment:

  1. I laughed at the excersice you mentioned for us to try .But the picture you took is so beautiful , I love it the way it is.

    And just like you said it is the usual to not have your camera when you really need it.
